Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

We had an exciting and LONG ride today from our House in North Phoenix to visit Grammy and Grandpa and Nanny and Papa in Mesa. We started out at about 6:30 in the morning and sent a few pictures via cell phone as we went. (see posts below)

Trip highlights included lunch at Grammy's (panini, grapes, orange slushy, Gatorade and water) and swimming at Nanny's. Later Nanny and Papa made hamburgers hotdogs and all the good 4th of July food we like. We had a nice time visiting with the cousins. We were really glad to see Mom and Sarah who came back from Youth Conference to pick us up. We like riding bikes, but 50 miles was enough for one day!

Enjoy the pictures! click on "view all" to see pictures with captions

50.2 mi - 5:55 hr:min ride time

We made it all the way to Nanny's house!

42 mi - 5:12 hr:mm

We made it to Grammy's! We are eating some delicious paninis she made for us. Grandpa took a picture of us.

25 mi - 2:20 hr:min

Half way there!

12 miles - 1:03

We stopped for a break @ WF


Here we go!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Here's Another Test...

This is a test to see if the RSS feed from my blog will post to Facebook.

I'm testing sending a picture from my cell phone. What do you think?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

We are getting ready for our big bike ride Saturday. We will try posting from the cell phone.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hey, who turned the heat on?

So it's been a while since I posted. Overall pretty busy and sticking with the bike riding. I have logged over 2100 miles since January with 73 trips by bike to work so far. I only had one blowout and two "out-of-bike experiences" (falls) My new goal is to ride a total of 5000 miles by the end of the year.

I am recruiting Ryan to be my riding buddy, he is doing great and is becoming an accomplished cyclist. We sold a couple of our older bikes and got him a spiffy hybrid bike that fits him just right (Trek 7.3 FX). We did a 28 miler together last Saturday (it was really hot!) We rode down to Metro center for lunch and back, took frequent breaks and drank lots and lots of water and gatorade. We are planning a 50 miler for the 4th of July and will be riding to the Grandparent's houses in Mesa.

The weight loss thing is still a work in progress, but progress is the key word. It is taking longer than I expected. I have not been keeping track of the food as closely as I have in the past, but I am eating smaller portions and (mostly) real food. I am shooting for 2000 calories of food/day and 3000 calories from exercise, and general living. The bike is fun, but I think I need to add some resistance training. My understanding is that more muscle = more calories burned. It doesn't sound fun - anyone have any great ideas for adding fun to resistance training?