Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kendra's race

I ran in a race today - surprise! It was a fund raiser that a very good coach (Brian Dempsey) at O'Connor has been sponsoring for several years now. It originally started as a way to help one of his students that was battling cancer. She is now cancer free! They have decided to sponsor "Camp Rainbow". This organization helps kids with cancer have fun during their treatment and recovery. It was a good time, I would do it again.

What are your favorite charities/community groups?


  1. Hmmm. I seem to remember a conversation with you when you told me blogs and bloggers were crazy. Glad to see you've joined the club :-)

  2. I never claimed that I was not crazy, I just found a particular personal mania that I am willing to share. I am enjoying it a lot more than I would have admitted. I very much appreciate any and all comments, also something that I would not have predicted. Pam accuses me of becoming one of those 'needy blog feedback people'
    - Sad but true.
