Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trip to Chino Bandido

Today, a group of us from work went to "Chino Bandido Takee-Outee" It's a rather interesting hole in the wall place that defies description. The food is a fusion of Asian and Mexican styles. If you have never been, try it out, you will either love it or hate it, there's not much in between. I had the Emerald Chicken in a quesadilla, machaca beef, black beans and pork fried rice - topped off with their signature Snickerdoodle cookie - MMmm tasty! Do you like Chino Bandido?

Word of warning: When I went to journal everything I ate in my food diary, it was amazing how fast the calories added up. Good thing I rode my bike to work today!


  1. Love Chinos. Love it! Red Jade Chicken is my fav with a veggie quesadilla.

  2. We just went there last night! It is one of our favorites. In fact, my kids pictures are on the wall of chino kids!

  3. I saw Carla's kids on the wall of Chino kids today - very cute!
