Friday, January 1, 2010

Bike Service Project - Part Deux

Here's the belated report on the fun bike service project we helped with a couple of weeks ago.

By the time we got there Saturday at 8:30 AM, most of the first 1500 bikes were already put together! I had never seen so many bikes at one time, it was like a sea of boys and girls bikes. We were able to help do a final check on the assembled bikes and tightened the seats and handlebars as well as checking the tires to make sure they had enough air. Ryan was a test driver and rode the bikes down the hill to where they were set up for the give-away. I was impressed at the hundreds of volunteers who showed up early to make this happen. We made some new friends including Roger and Sandy who were fun to work with.

There were another 35oo bikes that would be delivered later that day, but we couldn't stay and wait. The sight of that many bikes would have been awesome. Almost as awesome as seeing the thousands of happy kids riding them away.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad we did this, it was really a good thing to be part of!
