Monday, February 8, 2010

Go run a hill

Holy cow! It's been over a month since the last post, lots to report - here goes...

Bike - I was just 70 miles short of my goal of 5000 miles last year, but I feel pretty good about it. I know it helped me get in shape and feel better - the saving on gas and vehicle costs was a bonus.

Running - Since the start of the year, I've gotten more serious about running and gotten off the bike more or less. I'm in training for the Ragnar relay at the end of February. Our team has gotten together a couple of times to plan and run - we have a great group of 12 (6 men, 6 women) Our team name is "Can someone please...CALL ME A CAB!" Watch for us, our costumes and vans will be sporting a taxi cab motif. Pam has also signed up as a volunteer race official. She will be working one of the exchange points early Saturday morning.

I have been running some hills to make me speedier. My new favorite is North Mountain - it is steep! I have been working on it a while and can report that I was able to jog all the way to the top today for the first time. I have noticed that running on flat ground is much easier since starting the hill training. Give it a try!


  1. I guess I knew what you were setting out to achieve, but seeing the number 5,000 typed out there is massively impressive! That is awesome!
